7-30pm Saturday 8 June 2019

St Andrew’s Church, Farnham, GU9 7PW

LitMus Ensemble

Music inspired by Literature of Writers associated with Surrey and Hampshire

Elizabeth Cooney – Violin
Siu Chui Li – Piano
Graham Fawcett – Reader

Music by
Beethoven, Berlioz, Clara Schumann, Leopold Mozart, Vaughan Williams, Dvorak among others

Literature and poems by
John Donne, Thomas Hardy, Flora Thompson, Arthur Conan Doyle, C.S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll

Download printed programme

Children who can sit quietly are most welcome. All under 26s may attend FREE thanks to CAVATINA if they enter their name and date of birth on a form at the door – no advance notice needed.

Parents and teachers may attend FREE if they bring children who need to be accompanied (typically up to 16 years) but they should email chairman@tilbach.org.uk at least 2 days before the concert to register.

We do not issue physical tickets for the concerts in Farnham but record advance payments and check names on the door.

This concert is NOT included in the spring season ticket and the price is the same for members and the public.

Refreshments are free but we invite donations of £2-50 for wine and 50p for juice towards the costs. (£1 towards drinks and cakes when at Farnham Methodist where wine is not available)

Tickets are available on the door at £15-00