Special Members’ Evening

at St Andrew’s Church, Farnham


Trafalgar Night Celebration

David Brown, Henry Wickham, Laurence Cummings, Alexandra Gibson and Ana-Maria Rincon
backed by choir and orchestra


“One of the best concerts ever held in Farnham!”, “A stunning performance!” … just two of the comments overheard as the audience dispersed from St Andrew’s Parish Church on Friday evening, 21st October.

The event was a concert that was Farnham’s Celebration for Trafalgar Night, to mark the 200th anniversary of Lord Nelson’s famous victory over Napoleon’s fleet.

The concert was presented in the presence of Michael Clark, Farnham Town Mayor, at St Andrew’s Church by the Tilford Bach Society. The society, established over 50 years ago, is fortunate in having, as its Musical Director, someone who is both well-disposed and well-placed to procure the participation of some of the country’s finest established and emerging musicians.

Laurence Cummings is not only an outstanding musician in his own right, and renowned as a performer and broadcaster, he is also Head of Period Performance at the Royal Academy of Music. It was therefore his effort and genius that made the concert possible.

The London Classical Sinfonia, comprising over 20 musicians from the academy performed the Overture to the Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. This was followed by the Haydn Organ Concerto with Laurence Cummings as the organ soloist. Both pieces were a delight and performed with attack and feeling.

The pièce de résistance came in the second part when the orchestra was joined by choir and soloists for the Nelson Mass by Haydn. The work is strongly associated with Lord Nelson and it was written around the time of an earlier victory over France, the Battle of the Nile. Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton became close friends of Joseph Haydn at this time.

The performance of this superb, driving piece of music left the audience breathless. Outstanding professional soloists included Ana-Maria Rincon singing the key soprano solos with excellent control and power. Alexandra Gibson (alto), David Brown (tenor) and Henry Wickham (bass) matched this in every respect.

The Pegasus Chamber Choir, who formed the choir, are becoming well known to our society as this is their third performance for us in 12 months. But it was the first occasion the TBS had heard them perform an entire major choral work – their apparent delight in doing this was matched by the standard of their delivery. They are a choir of young musicians with strong, well-trained voices who delivered a magnificent sound in the confines of Farnham’s superb parish church. Combining with the baroque orchestra, this performance left nothing to be desired and a large audience left feeling that Nelson’s crucial victory 200 years earlier had been appropriately celebrated in the town of Farnham.

Ian Sargeant
Saturday, 22 October, 2005


